
[ etc ] Young Barley Leaf Powder

[ etc ] Young Barley Leaf Powder, Korean, 食品 , etc, 1, Barley leaves contain bioactive substances such as essential amino acids, vitamin, minerals, and enzyme. Also, they are rich in strong antioxidant SOD(superoxide dimutase), vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene. Expecially policosanol, and saponarin, so they are emerging as a new natural healthy food which helps to cure hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, , koreanmall

[Saetteumwon]Young Barley Leaf Powder

  • Barley leaves contain bioactive substances such as essential amino acids, vitamin, minerals, and enzyme. Also, they are rich in strong antioxidant SOD(superoxide dimutase), vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene. Expecially policosanol, and saponarin, so they are emerging as a new natural healthy food which helps to cure hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity

  • 보리산업특구지역 영광군친환경단지에서 노지재배한 무농약 새싹보리 100%를 분말화 한 제품.

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    [ etc ] Young Barley Leaf Powder

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