
[ DOOREART ] Peony & 蝴蝶珠寶盒的紙匣
[ DOOREART ] Peony & 蝴蝶珠寶盒的紙匣, Korean, HOME & GARDEN , DOOREART, 52, 以實用及裝飾 jewerly 方塊的高級天然母親的珍珠白, 母親的珍珠白 / Inlaid lacquer, MDF, 鏡像, 絨面, koreanmall
Peony & 蝴蝶珠寶盒的紙匣
Luxury jewelry box made of natural mother-of-pearl is a practical and decorative. |
Doore-art is a professional manufacturer specializing in various household goods by practical application combining the Korean traditional mother of pearl lacquerware with a modernized design. We’ve been developing the practical and beautiful various culture goods by putting general values available all over the word into the traditional and unique cultural values of Korea as the basic concept harmonizing modern times with tradition. |
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[ DOOREART ] Peony & 蝴蝶珠寶盒的紙匣
